
Using SQLite with WordPress 2

Yes, as pointed out in a blog post last year, you can use sqlite with WordPress. This would be handy on a server with very limited resources, such as a Raspberry Pi.

What Is SQLite?

SQLite is a C-language library that implements a smallfastself-containedhigh-reliabilityfull-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. SQLite is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other applications that people use every day. More Information…

The SQLite file format is stable, cross-platform, and backwards compatible and the developers pledge to keep it that way through at least the year 2050. SQLite database files are commonly used as containers to transfer rich content between systems [1] [2] [3] and as a long-term archival format for data [4]. There are over 1 trillion (1e12) SQLite databases in active use [5].

SQLite source code is in the public-domain and is free to everyone to use for any purpose.

Appropriate Uses For SQLite

SQLite is not directly comparable to client/server SQL database engines such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server since SQLite is trying to solve a different problem.

Client/server SQL database engines strive to implement a shared repository of enterprise data. They emphasize scalability, concurrency, centralization, and control. SQLite strives to provide local data storage for individual applications and devices. SQLite emphasizes economy, efficiency, reliability, independence, and simplicity.

SQLite does not compete with client/server databases. SQLite competes with fopen().

Situations Where SQLite Works Well

  • Embedded devices and the internet of thingsBecause an SQLite database requires no administration, it works well in devices that must operate without expert human support. SQLite is a good fit for use in cellphones, set-top boxes, televisions, game consoles, cameras, watches, kitchen appliances, thermostats, automobiles, machine tools, airplanes, remote sensors, drones, medical devices, and robots: the “internet of things”.Client/server database engines are designed to live inside a lovingly-attended datacenter at the core of the network. SQLite works there too, but SQLite also thrives at the edge of the network, fending for itself while providing fast and reliable data services to applications that would otherwise have dodgy connectivity.
  • Application file formatSQLite is often used as the on-disk file format for desktop applications such as version control systems, financial analysis tools, media cataloging and editing suites, CAD packages, record keeping programs, and so forth. The traditional File/Open operation calls sqlite3_open() to attach to the database file. Updates happen automatically as application content is revised so the File/Save menu option becomes superfluous. The File/Save_As menu option can be implemented using the backup API.There are many benefits to this approach, including improved performance, reduced cost and complexity, and improved reliability. See technical notes “aff_short.html” and “appfileformat.html” and “fasterthanfs.html” for more information. This use case is closely related to the data transfer format and data container use cases below.
  • WebsitesSQLite works great as the database engine for most low to medium traffic websites (which is to say, most websites). The amount of web traffic that SQLite can handle depends on how heavily the website uses its database. Generally speaking, any site that gets fewer than 100K hits/day should work fine with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure is a conservative estimate, not a hard upper bound. SQLite has been demonstrated to work with 10 times that amount of traffic.The SQLite website ( uses SQLite itself, of course, and as of this writing (2015) it handles about 400K to 500K HTTP requests per day, about 15-20% of which are dynamic pages touching the database. Dynamic content uses about 200 SQL statements per webpage. This setup runs on a single VM that shares a physical server with 23 others and yet still keeps the load average below 0.1 most of the time.
  • Data analysisPeople who understand SQL can employ the sqlite3 command-line shell (or various third-party SQLite access programs) to analyze large datasets. Raw data can be imported from CSV files, then that data can be sliced and diced to generate a myriad of summary reports. More complex analysis can be done using simple scripts written in Tcl or Python (both of which come with SQLite built-in) or in R or other languages using readily available adaptors. Possible uses include website log analysis, sports statistics analysis, compilation of programming metrics, and analysis of experimental results. Many bioinformatics researchers use SQLite in this way.The same thing can be done with an enterprise client/server database, of course. The advantage of SQLite is that it is easier to install and use and the resulting database is a single file that can be written to a USB memory stick or emailed to a colleague.
  • Cache for enterprise dataMany applications use SQLite as a cache of relevant content from an enterprise RDBMS. This reduces latency, since most queries now occur against the local cache and avoid a network round-trip. It also reduces the load on the network and on the central database server. And in many cases, it means that the client-side application can continue operating during network outages.
  • Server-side databaseSystems designers report success using SQLite as a data store on server applications running in the datacenter, or in other words, using SQLite as the underlying storage engine for an application-specific database server.With this pattern, the overall system is still client/server: clients send requests to the server and get back replies over the network. But instead of sending generic SQL and getting back raw table content, the client requests and server responses are high-level and application-specific. The server translates requests into multiple SQL queries, gathers the results, does post-processing, filtering, and analysis, then constructs a high-level reply containing only the essential information.Developers report that SQLite is often faster than a client/server SQL database engine in this scenario. Database requests are serialized by the server, so concurrency is not an issue. Concurrency is also improved by “database sharding”: using separate database files for different subdomains. For example, the server might have a separate SQLite database for each user, so that the server can handle hundreds or thousands of simultaneous connections, but each SQLite database is only used by one connection.
  • Data transfer formatBecause an SQLite database is a single compact file in a well-defined cross-platform format, it is often used as a container for transferring content from one system to another. The sender gathers content into an SQLite database file, transfers that one file to the receiver, then the receiver uses SQL to extract the content as needed.An SQLite database facilitates data transfer between systems even when the endpoints have different word sizes and/or byte orders. The data can be a complex mix of large binary blobs, text, and small numeric or boolean values. The data format can be easily extended by adding new tables and/or columns, without breaking legacy receivers. The SQL query language means that receivers are not required to parse the entire transfer all at once, but can instead query the received content as needed. The data format is “transparent” in the sense that it is easily decoded for human viewing using a variety of universally available, open-source tools, from multiple vendors.
  • File archive and/or data containerThe SQLite Archive idea shows how SQLite can be used as a substitute for ZIP archives or Tarballs. An archive of files stored in SQLite is only very slightly larger, and in some cases actually smaller, than the equivalent ZIP archive. And an SQLite archive features incremental and atomic updating and the ability to store much richer metadata.Fossil version 2.5 and later offers SQLite Archive files as a download format, in addition to traditional tarball and ZIP archive. The sqlite3.exe command-line shell version 3.22.0 and later will create, list, or unpack an SQL archiving using the .archive command.SQLite is a good solution for any situation that requires bundling diverse content into a self-contained and self-describing package for shipment across a network. Content is encoded in a well-defined, cross-platform, and stable file format. The encoding is efficient, and receivers can extract small subsets of the content without having to read and parse the entire file.SQL archives are useful as the distribution format for software or content updates that are broadcast to many clients. Variations on this idea are used, for example, to transmit TV programming guides to set-top boxes and to send over-the-air updates to vehicle navigation systems.
  • Replacement for ad hoc disk filesMany programs use fopen()fread(), and fwrite() to create and manage files of data in home-grown formats. SQLite works particularly well as a replacement for these ad hoc data files. Contrary to intuition, SQLite can be faster than the filesystem for reading and writing content to disk.
  • Internal or temporary databasesFor programs that have a lot of data that must be sifted and sorted in diverse ways, it is often easier and quicker to load the data into an in-memory SQLite database and use queries with joins and ORDER BY clauses to extract the data in the form and order needed rather than to try to code the same operations manually. Using an SQL database internally in this way also gives the program greater flexibility since new columns and indices can be added without having to recode every query.
  • Stand-in for an enterprise database during demos or testingClient applications typically use a generic database interface that allows connections to various SQL database engines. It makes good sense to include SQLite in the mix of supported databases and to statically link the SQLite engine in with the client. That way the client program can be used standalone with an SQLite data file for testing or for demonstrations.
  • Education and TrainingBecause it is simple to setup and use (installation is trivial: just copy the sqlite3 or sqlite3.exe executable to the target machine and run it) SQLite makes a good database engine for use in teaching SQL. Students can easily create as many databases as they like and can email databases to the instructor for comments or grading. For more advanced students who are interested in studying how an RDBMS is implemented, the modular and well-commented and documented SQLite code can serve as a good basis.
  • Experimental SQL language extensionsThe simple, modular design of SQLite makes it a good platform for prototyping new, experimental database language features or ideas.

Situations Where A Client/Server RDBMS May Work Better

  • Client/Server ApplicationsIf there are many client programs sending SQL to the same database over a network, then use a client/server database engine instead of SQLite. SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but because of the latency associated with most network filesystems, performance will not be great. Also, file locking logic is buggy in many network filesystem implementations (on both Unix and Windows). If file locking does not work correctly, two or more clients might try to modify the same part of the same database at the same time, resulting in corruption. Because this problem results from bugs in the underlying filesystem implementation, there is nothing SQLite can do to prevent it.A good rule of thumb is to avoid using SQLite in situations where the same database will be accessed directly (without an intervening application server) and simultaneously from many computers over a network.
  • High-volume WebsitesSQLite will normally work fine as the database backend to a website. But if the website is write-intensive or is so busy that it requires multiple servers, then consider using an enterprise-class client/server database engine instead of SQLite.
  • Very large datasetsAn SQLite database is limited in size to 140 terabytes (247 bytes, 128 tibibytes). And even if it could handle larger databases, SQLite stores the entire database in a single disk file and many filesystems limit the maximum size of files to something less than this. So if you are contemplating databases of this magnitude, you would do well to consider using a client/server database engine that spreads its content across multiple disk files, and perhaps across multiple volumes.
  • High ConcurrencySQLite supports an unlimited number of simultaneous readers, but it will only allow one writer at any instant in time. For many situations, this is not a problem. Writers queue up. Each application does its database work quickly and moves on, and no lock lasts for more than a few dozen milliseconds. But there are some applications that require more concurrency, and those applications may need to seek a different solution.

Checklist For Choosing The Right Database Engine

  1. Is the data separated from the application by a network? → choose client/serverRelational database engines act as bandwidth-reducing data filters. So it is best to keep the database engine and the data on the same physical device so that the high-bandwidth engine-to-disk link does not have to traverse the network, only the lower-bandwidth application-to-engine link.But SQLite is built into the application. So if the data is on a separate device from the application, it is required that the higher bandwidth engine-to-disk link be across the network. This works, but it is suboptimal. Hence, it is usually better to select a client/server database engine when the data is on a separate device from the application.Nota Bene: In this rule, “application” means the code that issues SQL statements. If the “application” is an application server and if the content resides on the same physical machine as the application server, then SQLite might still be appropriate even though the end user is another network hop away.
  2. Many concurrent writers? → choose client/serverIf many threads and/or processes need to write the database at the same instant (and they cannot queue up and take turns) then it is best to select a database engine that supports that capability, which always means a client/server database engine.SQLite only supports one writer at a time per database file. But in most cases, a write transaction only takes milliseconds and so multiple writers can simply take turns. SQLite will handle more write concurrency that many people suspect. Nevertheless, client/server database systems, because they have a long-running server process at hand to coordinate access, can usually handle far more write concurrency than SQLite ever will.
  3. Big data? → choose client/serverIf your data will grow to a size that you are uncomfortable or unable to fit into a single disk file, then you should select a solution other than SQLite. SQLite supports databases up to 140 terabytes in size, assuming you can find a disk drive and filesystem that will support 140-terabyte files. Even so, when the size of the content looks like it might creep into the terabyte range, it would be good to consider a centralized client/server database.
  4. Otherwise → choose SQLite!For device-local storage with low writer concurrency and less than a terabyte of content, SQLite is almost always a better solution. SQLite is fast and reliable and it requires no configuration or maintenance. It keeps things simple. SQLite “just works”.

Performance testing WordPress hosts

This web site was created to be installed on a number of web hosting providers and tested with GTMetrix and Google’s page speed analysis to compare the performance of the web hosting providers.

The results will be posted at

Why do this?

  • Because I wanted a realistic, if simplistic, blog site to use for performance testing.
  • Because performance of a web site is so important to Google these days.

This site does not have tons of plugins, which are often the cause of bad performance. This is because:

  • I wanted to be able to leave this site up as an example, so I built it as a free site on, and they do not let you install plugins on a free site.
  • I wanted to avoid a situation where a host has optimized for a specific plugin.

I used the default WordPress twenty-twenty theme, since it is available on all hosts by default, and it is a high-quality good-performing theme.


Using MySQL for WordPress

MySQL (/ˌmaɪˌɛsˌkjuːˈɛl/ “My S-Q-L”)[5] is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).[5][6] Its name is a combination of “My”, the name of co-founder Michael Widenius‘s daughter,[7] and “SQL“, the abbreviation for Structured Query Language.

MySQL is free and open-source software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, and is also available under a variety of proprietary licenses. MySQL was owned and sponsored by the Swedish company MySQL AB, which was bought by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation).[8] In 2010, when Oracle acquired Sun, Widenius forked the open-source MySQL project to create MariaDB.[9]

MySQL is a component of the LAMP web application software stack (and others), which is an acronym for LinuxApache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python. MySQL is used by many database-driven web applications, including DrupalJoomlaphpBB, and WordPress. MySQL is also used by many popular websites, including Facebook,[10][11] Flickr,[12] MediaWiki,[13] Twitter,[14] and YouTube.[15]

MySQL is the most trusted and widely used open source database platform in use today. 10 out of the top 10 most popular and highly-trafficked websites in the world rely on MySQL.  MySQL 8.0 builds on this momentum by delivering across the board improvements designed to enable innovative DBAs and developers to create and deploy the next generation of web, embedded, mobile and Cloud/SaaS/PaaS/DBaaS applications on the latest generation of development frameworks and hardware platforms.  MySQL 8.0 highlights include:

  • MySQL Document Store
  • Transactional Data Dictionary
  • SQL Roles
  • Default to utf8mb4
  • Common Table Expressions
  • Window Functions
  • And much more…

Azure Database for MySQL provides fully managed, enterprise-ready community MySQL database as a service. The MySQL Community edition helps you easily lift and shift to the cloud, using languages and frameworks of your choice. On top of that, you get built-in high availability and dynamic scaling, helping you easily adjust to changes in customer demands. Additionally, you benefit from the unparalleled security and compliance, including Azure IP advantage, as well as Azure’s industry leading reach. All this with a flexible pricing model so you can choose resources for your workload with no hidden cost.

Community MySQL that’s fully managed

Combine MySQL Community edition with the benefits of a fully managed service provider, and free developers from the complexity of infrastructure and database management so they can focus on building exceptional apps.

Azure Database for MySQL is a relational database service in the Microsoft cloud based on the MySQL Community Edition (available under the GPLv2 license) database engine, versions 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0. Azure Database for MySQL delivers:

  • Built-in high availability with no additional cost.
  • Predictable performance, using inclusive pay-as-you-go pricing.
  • Scale as needed within seconds.
  • Secured to protect sensitive data at-rest and in-motion.
  • Automatic backups and point-in-time-restore for up to 35 days.
  • Enterprise-grade security and compliance.

These capabilities require almost no administration and all are provided at no additional cost. They allow you to focus on rapid app development and accelerating your time to market rather than allocating precious time and resources to managing virtual machines and infrastructure. In addition, you can continue to develop your application with the open-source tools and platform of your choice to deliver with the speed and efficiency your business demands, all without having to learn new skills.

See these quickstarts to get you started:

For a set of Azure CLI samples, see:

MySQL is the world’s most popular open source relational database and Amazon RDS makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale MySQL deployments in the cloud. With Amazon RDS, you can deploy scalable MySQL servers in minutes with cost-efficient and resizable hardware capacity.

Amazon RDS for MySQL frees you up to focus on application development by managing time-consuming database administration tasks including backups, software patching, monitoring, scaling and replication.

Amazon RDS supports MySQL Community Edition versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0 which means that the code, applications, and tools you already use today can be used with Amazon RDS.

Working with Amazon RDS for MySQL

Amazon RDS allows you to use the AWS Management Console or a simple set of web services APIs to create, delete and modify relational database instances (DB Instances). You can also control access and security for your instance(s) and manage your database backups and snapshots. For a full list of the available Amazon RDS APIs, please see the Amazon RDS API Guide.

Migrating to Amazon RDS for MySQL

If your application already relies on a MySQL database, importing data to Amazon RDS is simple. In general, to migrate your data to Amazon RDS you simply:

  • Create a DB Instance with the compute, storage capacity and access controls required.
  • For smaller databases (e.g. up to 1 GB), extract the data with mysqldump and pipe it directly into Amazon RDS. Below is an example showing the “acme” database being copied to Amazon RDS:

mysqldump acme | mysql –host=hostname –user=username –password acme

For larger databases, build your database schema in Amazon RDS, then convert the data into a flat file and import it into your DB Instance using the mysqlimport utility. Below is an example showing the “acme” database being copied to Amazon RDS:

mysqlimport –local –compress –user=username –password –host=hostname –fields-terminated-by=’,’ Acme sales.part_*

  • Update the database connection string in your application config file.

 For more information on importing data into Amazon RDS, see the Amazon RDS Data Import Guide for MySQL.

Paying for What You Use

You will be charged at the end of each month for the Amazon RDS resources you actually consume. Once a DB Instance you have created is available for connection, you will be charged for each hour your DB Instance is running. Each DB Instance will run until termination, which occurs when you issue an API call to delete the DB Instance, or in the event of an instance failure. Partial DB Instance hours consumed are billed as full hours. In addition to DB Instance hours, you are also billed for your monthly storage, I/O requests, and backups. If you scale your storage capacity within the billing period, your bill will be pro-rated accordingly.

For details, see the Amazon RDS for MySQL pricing page.


Using PostreSQL with WordPress

PostgreSQL (/ˈpoʊstɡrɛs ˌkjuː ˈɛl/),[12] also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance. It was originally named POSTGRES, referring to its origins as a successor to the Ingres database developed at the University of California, Berkeley.[13][14] In 1996, the project was renamed to PostgreSQL to reflect its support for SQL. After a review in 2007, the development team decided to keep the name PostgreSQL.[15]

PostgreSQL features transactions with Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability (ACID) properties, automatically updatable viewsmaterialized viewstriggersforeign keys, and stored procedures.[16] It is designed to handle a range of workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or Web services with many concurrent users. It is the default database for macOS Server,[17][18][19] and is also available for LinuxFreeBSDOpenBSD, and Windows.

PostgreSQL evolved from the Ingres project at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1982, the leader of the Ingres team, Michael Stonebraker, left Berkeley to make a proprietary version of Ingres.[13] He returned to Berkeley in 1985, and began a post-Ingres project to address the problems with contemporary database systems that had become increasingly clear during the early 1980s. He won the Turing Award in 2014 for these and other projects,[20] and techniques pioneered in them.

The new project, POSTGRES, aimed to add the fewest features needed to completely support data types.[21] These features included the ability to define types and to fully describe relationships – something used widely, but maintained entirely by the user. In POSTGRES, the database understood relationships, and could retrieve information in related tables in a natural way using rules. POSTGRES used many of the ideas of Ingres, but not its code.[22]

Starting in 1986, published papers described the basis of the system, and a prototype version was shown at the 1988 ACM SIGMOD Conference. The team released version 1 to a small number of users in June 1989, followed by version 2 with a re-written rules system in June 1990. Version 3, released in 1991, again re-wrote the rules system, and added support for multiple storage managers[23] and an improved query engine. By 1993, the number of users began to overwhelm the project with requests for support and features. After releasing version 4.2[24] on June 30, 1994 – primarily a cleanup – the project ended. Berkeley released POSTGRES under an MIT License variant, which enabled other developers to use the code for any use. At the time, POSTGRES used an Ingres-influenced POSTQUEL query language interpreter, which could be interactively used with a console application named monitor.

In 1994, Berkeley graduate students Andrew Yu and Jolly Chen replaced the POSTQUEL query language interpreter with one for the SQL query language, creating Postgres95. monitor was also replaced by psql. Yu and Chen announced the first version (0.01) to beta testers on May 5, 1995. Version 1.0 of Postgres95 was announced on September 5, 1995, with a more liberal license that enabled the software to be freely modifiable.

On July 8, 1996, Marc Fournier at Networking Services provided the first non-university development server for the open-source development effort.[3] With the participation of Bruce Momjian and Vadim B. Mikheev, work began to stabilize the code inherited from Berkeley.

In 1996, the project was renamed to PostgreSQL to reflect its support for SQL. The online presence at the website began on October 22, 1996.[25] The first PostgreSQL release formed version 6.0 on January 29, 1997. Since then developers and volunteers around the world have maintained the software as The PostgreSQL Global Development Group.[2]

The project continues to make releases available under its free and open-source software PostgreSQL License. Code comes from contributions from proprietary vendors, support companies, and open-source programmers.

What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system that uses and extends the SQL language combined with many features that safely store and scale the most complicated data workloads. The origins of PostgreSQL date back to 1986 as part of the POSTGRES project at the University of California at Berkeley and has more than 30 years of active development on the core platform.

PostgreSQL has earned a strong reputation for its proven architecture, reliability, data integrity, robust feature set, extensibility, and the dedication of the open source community behind the software to consistently deliver performant and innovative solutions. PostgreSQL runs on all major operating systems, has been ACID-compliant since 2001, and has powerful add-ons such as the popular PostGIS geospatial database extender. It is no surprise that PostgreSQL has become the open source relational database of choice for many people and organisations.

Getting started with using PostgreSQL has never been easier – pick a project you want to build, and let PostgreSQL safely and robustly store your data.

Why use PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL comes with many features aimed to help developers build applications, administrators to protect data integrity and build fault-tolerant environments, and help you manage your data no matter how big or small the dataset. In addition to being free and open source, PostgreSQL is highly extensible. For example, you can define your own data types, build out custom functions, even write code from different programming languages without recompiling your database!

PostgreSQL tries to conform with the SQL standard where such conformance does not contradict traditional features or could lead to poor architectural decisions. Many of the features required by the SQL standard are supported, though sometimes with slightly differing syntax or function. Further moves towards conformance can be expected over time. As of the version 12 release in October 2019, PostgreSQL conforms to at least 160 of the 179 mandatory features for SQL:2016 Core conformance. As of this writing, no relational database meets full conformance with this standard.

Below is an inexhaustive list of various features found in PostgreSQL, with more being added in every major release:

  • Data Types
    • Primitives: Integer, Numeric, String, Boolean
    • Structured: Date/Time, Array, Range, UUID
    • Document: JSON/JSONB, XML, Key-value (Hstore)
    • Geometry: Point, Line, Circle, Polygon
    • Customizations: Composite, Custom Types
  • Data Integrity
    • Primary Keys
    • Foreign Keys
    • Exclusion Constraints
    • Explicit Locks, Advisory Locks
  • Concurrency, Performance
    • Indexing: B-tree, Multicolumn, Expressions, Partial
    • Advanced Indexing: GiST, SP-Gist, KNN Gist, GIN, BRIN, Covering indexes, Bloom filters
    • Sophisticated query planner / optimizer, index-only scans, multicolumn statistics
    • Transactions, Nested Transactions (via savepoints)
    • Multi-Version concurrency Control (MVCC)
    • Parallelization of read queries and building B-tree indexes
    • Table partitioning
    • All transaction isolation levels defined in the SQL standard, including Serializable
    • Just-in-time (JIT) compilation of expressions
  • Reliability, Disaster Recovery
    • Write-ahead Logging (WAL)
    • Replication: Asynchronous, Synchronous, Logical
    • Point-in-time-recovery (PITR), active standbys
    • Tablespaces
  • Security
    • Authentication: GSSAPI, SSPI, LDAP, SCRAM-SHA-256, Certificate, and more
    • Robust access-control system
    • Column and row-level security
    • Multi-factor authentication with certificates and an additional method
  • Extensibility
    • Stored functions and procedures
    • Procedural Languages: PL/PGSQL, Perl, Python (and many more)
    • SQL/JSON path expressions
    • Foreign data wrappers: connect to other databases or streams with a standard SQL interface
    • Customizable storage interface for tables
    • Many extensions that provide additional functionality, including PostGIS
  • Internationalisation, Text Search
    • Support for international character sets, e.g. through ICU collations
    • Case-insensitive and accent-insensitive collations
    • Full-text search

There are many more features that you can discover in the PostgreSQL documentation. Additionally, PostgreSQL is highly extensible: many features, such as indexes, have defined APIs so that you can build out with PostgreSQL to solve your challenges.

PostgreSQL has been proven to be highly scalable both in the sheer quantity of data it can manage and in the number of concurrent users it can accommodate. There are active PostgreSQL clusters in production environments that manage many terabytes of data, and specialized systems that manage petabytes.


Using SQLite with WordPress

Yes, as pointed out in a blog post last year, you can use sqlite with WordPress. This would be handy on a server with very limited resources, such as a Raspberry Pi.

What Is SQLite?

SQLite is a C-language library that implements a smallfastself-containedhigh-reliabilityfull-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. SQLite is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other applications that people use every day. More Information…

The SQLite file format is stable, cross-platform, and backwards compatible and the developers pledge to keep it that way through at least the year 2050. SQLite database files are commonly used as containers to transfer rich content between systems [1] [2] [3] and as a long-term archival format for data [4]. There are over 1 trillion (1e12) SQLite databases in active use [5].

SQLite source code is in the public-domain and is free to everyone to use for any purpose.

Appropriate Uses For SQLite

SQLite is not directly comparable to client/server SQL database engines such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server since SQLite is trying to solve a different problem.

Client/server SQL database engines strive to implement a shared repository of enterprise data. They emphasize scalability, concurrency, centralization, and control. SQLite strives to provide local data storage for individual applications and devices. SQLite emphasizes economy, efficiency, reliability, independence, and simplicity.

SQLite does not compete with client/server databases. SQLite competes with fopen().

Situations Where SQLite Works Well

  • Embedded devices and the internet of thingsBecause an SQLite database requires no administration, it works well in devices that must operate without expert human support. SQLite is a good fit for use in cellphones, set-top boxes, televisions, game consoles, cameras, watches, kitchen appliances, thermostats, automobiles, machine tools, airplanes, remote sensors, drones, medical devices, and robots: the “internet of things”.Client/server database engines are designed to live inside a lovingly-attended datacenter at the core of the network. SQLite works there too, but SQLite also thrives at the edge of the network, fending for itself while providing fast and reliable data services to applications that would otherwise have dodgy connectivity.
  • Application file formatSQLite is often used as the on-disk file format for desktop applications such as version control systems, financial analysis tools, media cataloging and editing suites, CAD packages, record keeping programs, and so forth. The traditional File/Open operation calls sqlite3_open() to attach to the database file. Updates happen automatically as application content is revised so the File/Save menu option becomes superfluous. The File/Save_As menu option can be implemented using the backup API.There are many benefits to this approach, including improved performance, reduced cost and complexity, and improved reliability. See technical notes “aff_short.html” and “appfileformat.html” and “fasterthanfs.html” for more information. This use case is closely related to the data transfer format and data container use cases below.
  • WebsitesSQLite works great as the database engine for most low to medium traffic websites (which is to say, most websites). The amount of web traffic that SQLite can handle depends on how heavily the website uses its database. Generally speaking, any site that gets fewer than 100K hits/day should work fine with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure is a conservative estimate, not a hard upper bound. SQLite has been demonstrated to work with 10 times that amount of traffic.The SQLite website ( uses SQLite itself, of course, and as of this writing (2015) it handles about 400K to 500K HTTP requests per day, about 15-20% of which are dynamic pages touching the database. Dynamic content uses about 200 SQL statements per webpage. This setup runs on a single VM that shares a physical server with 23 others and yet still keeps the load average below 0.1 most of the time.
  • Data analysisPeople who understand SQL can employ the sqlite3 command-line shell (or various third-party SQLite access programs) to analyze large datasets. Raw data can be imported from CSV files, then that data can be sliced and diced to generate a myriad of summary reports. More complex analysis can be done using simple scripts written in Tcl or Python (both of which come with SQLite built-in) or in R or other languages using readily available adaptors. Possible uses include website log analysis, sports statistics analysis, compilation of programming metrics, and analysis of experimental results. Many bioinformatics researchers use SQLite in this way.The same thing can be done with an enterprise client/server database, of course. The advantage of SQLite is that it is easier to install and use and the resulting database is a single file that can be written to a USB memory stick or emailed to a colleague.
  • Cache for enterprise dataMany applications use SQLite as a cache of relevant content from an enterprise RDBMS. This reduces latency, since most queries now occur against the local cache and avoid a network round-trip. It also reduces the load on the network and on the central database server. And in many cases, it means that the client-side application can continue operating during network outages.
  • Server-side databaseSystems designers report success using SQLite as a data store on server applications running in the datacenter, or in other words, using SQLite as the underlying storage engine for an application-specific database server.With this pattern, the overall system is still client/server: clients send requests to the server and get back replies over the network. But instead of sending generic SQL and getting back raw table content, the client requests and server responses are high-level and application-specific. The server translates requests into multiple SQL queries, gathers the results, does post-processing, filtering, and analysis, then constructs a high-level reply containing only the essential information.Developers report that SQLite is often faster than a client/server SQL database engine in this scenario. Database requests are serialized by the server, so concurrency is not an issue. Concurrency is also improved by “database sharding”: using separate database files for different subdomains. For example, the server might have a separate SQLite database for each user, so that the server can handle hundreds or thousands of simultaneous connections, but each SQLite database is only used by one connection.
  • Data transfer formatBecause an SQLite database is a single compact file in a well-defined cross-platform format, it is often used as a container for transferring content from one system to another. The sender gathers content into an SQLite database file, transfers that one file to the receiver, then the receiver uses SQL to extract the content as needed.An SQLite database facilitates data transfer between systems even when the endpoints have different word sizes and/or byte orders. The data can be a complex mix of large binary blobs, text, and small numeric or boolean values. The data format can be easily extended by adding new tables and/or columns, without breaking legacy receivers. The SQL query language means that receivers are not required to parse the entire transfer all at once, but can instead query the received content as needed. The data format is “transparent” in the sense that it is easily decoded for human viewing using a variety of universally available, open-source tools, from multiple vendors.
  • File archive and/or data containerThe SQLite Archive idea shows how SQLite can be used as a substitute for ZIP archives or Tarballs. An archive of files stored in SQLite is only very slightly larger, and in some cases actually smaller, than the equivalent ZIP archive. And an SQLite archive features incremental and atomic updating and the ability to store much richer metadata.Fossil version 2.5 and later offers SQLite Archive files as a download format, in addition to traditional tarball and ZIP archive. The sqlite3.exe command-line shell version 3.22.0 and later will create, list, or unpack an SQL archiving using the .archive command.SQLite is a good solution for any situation that requires bundling diverse content into a self-contained and self-describing package for shipment across a network. Content is encoded in a well-defined, cross-platform, and stable file format. The encoding is efficient, and receivers can extract small subsets of the content without having to read and parse the entire file.SQL archives are useful as the distribution format for software or content updates that are broadcast to many clients. Variations on this idea are used, for example, to transmit TV programming guides to set-top boxes and to send over-the-air updates to vehicle navigation systems.
  • Replacement for ad hoc disk filesMany programs use fopen()fread(), and fwrite() to create and manage files of data in home-grown formats. SQLite works particularly well as a replacement for these ad hoc data files. Contrary to intuition, SQLite can be faster than the filesystem for reading and writing content to disk.
  • Internal or temporary databasesFor programs that have a lot of data that must be sifted and sorted in diverse ways, it is often easier and quicker to load the data into an in-memory SQLite database and use queries with joins and ORDER BY clauses to extract the data in the form and order needed rather than to try to code the same operations manually. Using an SQL database internally in this way also gives the program greater flexibility since new columns and indices can be added without having to recode every query.
  • Stand-in for an enterprise database during demos or testingClient applications typically use a generic database interface that allows connections to various SQL database engines. It makes good sense to include SQLite in the mix of supported databases and to statically link the SQLite engine in with the client. That way the client program can be used standalone with an SQLite data file for testing or for demonstrations.
  • Education and TrainingBecause it is simple to setup and use (installation is trivial: just copy the sqlite3 or sqlite3.exe executable to the target machine and run it) SQLite makes a good database engine for use in teaching SQL. Students can easily create as many databases as they like and can email databases to the instructor for comments or grading. For more advanced students who are interested in studying how an RDBMS is implemented, the modular and well-commented and documented SQLite code can serve as a good basis.
  • Experimental SQL language extensionsThe simple, modular design of SQLite makes it a good platform for prototyping new, experimental database language features or ideas.

Situations Where A Client/Server RDBMS May Work Better

  • Client/Server ApplicationsIf there are many client programs sending SQL to the same database over a network, then use a client/server database engine instead of SQLite. SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but because of the latency associated with most network filesystems, performance will not be great. Also, file locking logic is buggy in many network filesystem implementations (on both Unix and Windows). If file locking does not work correctly, two or more clients might try to modify the same part of the same database at the same time, resulting in corruption. Because this problem results from bugs in the underlying filesystem implementation, there is nothing SQLite can do to prevent it.A good rule of thumb is to avoid using SQLite in situations where the same database will be accessed directly (without an intervening application server) and simultaneously from many computers over a network.
  • High-volume WebsitesSQLite will normally work fine as the database backend to a website. But if the website is write-intensive or is so busy that it requires multiple servers, then consider using an enterprise-class client/server database engine instead of SQLite.
  • Very large datasetsAn SQLite database is limited in size to 140 terabytes (247 bytes, 128 tibibytes). And even if it could handle larger databases, SQLite stores the entire database in a single disk file and many filesystems limit the maximum size of files to something less than this. So if you are contemplating databases of this magnitude, you would do well to consider using a client/server database engine that spreads its content across multiple disk files, and perhaps across multiple volumes.
  • High ConcurrencySQLite supports an unlimited number of simultaneous readers, but it will only allow one writer at any instant in time. For many situations, this is not a problem. Writers queue up. Each application does its database work quickly and moves on, and no lock lasts for more than a few dozen milliseconds. But there are some applications that require more concurrency, and those applications may need to seek a different solution.

Checklist For Choosing The Right Database Engine

  1. Is the data separated from the application by a network? → choose client/serverRelational database engines act as bandwidth-reducing data filters. So it is best to keep the database engine and the data on the same physical device so that the high-bandwidth engine-to-disk link does not have to traverse the network, only the lower-bandwidth application-to-engine link.But SQLite is built into the application. So if the data is on a separate device from the application, it is required that the higher bandwidth engine-to-disk link be across the network. This works, but it is suboptimal. Hence, it is usually better to select a client/server database engine when the data is on a separate device from the application.Nota Bene: In this rule, “application” means the code that issues SQL statements. If the “application” is an application server and if the content resides on the same physical machine as the application server, then SQLite might still be appropriate even though the end user is another network hop away.
  2. Many concurrent writers? → choose client/serverIf many threads and/or processes need to write the database at the same instant (and they cannot queue up and take turns) then it is best to select a database engine that supports that capability, which always means a client/server database engine.SQLite only supports one writer at a time per database file. But in most cases, a write transaction only takes milliseconds and so multiple writers can simply take turns. SQLite will handle more write concurrency that many people suspect. Nevertheless, client/server database systems, because they have a long-running server process at hand to coordinate access, can usually handle far more write concurrency than SQLite ever will.
  3. Big data? → choose client/serverIf your data will grow to a size that you are uncomfortable or unable to fit into a single disk file, then you should select a solution other than SQLite. SQLite supports databases up to 140 terabytes in size, assuming you can find a disk drive and filesystem that will support 140-terabyte files. Even so, when the size of the content looks like it might creep into the terabyte range, it would be good to consider a centralized client/server database.
  4. Otherwise → choose SQLite!For device-local storage with low writer concurrency and less than a terabyte of content, SQLite is almost always a better solution. SQLite is fast and reliable and it requires no configuration or maintenance. It keeps things simple. SQLite “just works”.